TiC-TiB 2 -SiC composites were synthesized by arc-melting using TiC, TiB 2 and SiC powders as starting materials in Ar atmosphere. TiCTiB 2 -SiC system was a ternary eutectic, whose eutectic composition was 34TiC-22TiB 2 -44SiC (mol%). The TiC-TiB 2 -SiC eutectic composite showed a lamellar texture, where lamellar SiC grains paralleled to lamellar TiC grains. TiB 2 grains had an angle of about 30 to 60 with lamellar SiC and TiC grains. The hardness of TiC-TiB 2 -SiC eutectic composite was 25.5 GPa at the load of 1.96 N and increased with increasing TiC content. The electrical conductivity of the eutectic composite was 2:81 Â 10 3 Sm À1 at the room temperature and decreased with increasing temperature. The thermal conductivity of the eutectic composite was 25 to 60 WK À1 m À1 at the room temperature and decreased with increasing temperature. The electrical conductivity of TiC-TiB 2 -SiC ternary composites decreased with increasing SiC content, and the thermal conductivity decreased with increasing TiC content.