This paper presents the design and evaluation results for a metal-coated multilayer Tedlar (MMT) bag that was developed for the collection of source emissions. The applicability of the MMT bag was evaluated for a number of important greenhouse relevant gases: CO, CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, and total hydrocarbons (THCs). The bag was tested for durability and stability for a range of concentrations of the tested compounds using both laboratory-prepared samples and real source samples. The results show that all tested compounds were more stable when stored in the MMT bag than when stored in a regular Tedlar bag. These compounds can be stored at room temperature for at least 3 months without significant changes in concentration. When properly packed, the MMT bag is durable and may be shipped by air. The MMT bag is lower in cost, lighter in weight, and easier to clean, and it requires less devices during the subsequent laboratory analysis compared with a stainless steel canister, which is often used to collect air and source samples.
IMPLICATIONSThe development of a reliable, economical, and easy-touse storage and shipping procedure for samples of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants is important for accurately measuring these emissions from the wide variety of source types dispersed throughout the world. The MMT bag presented in this paper has proved to be a reliable sampling tool for the collection of gaseous pollutants, such as CO, CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O, from various emission sources. The bag can be used and reused for collection, transport, and storage of emission samples, which can be subsequently analyzed in a laboratory.