A novel small area beta (p') detector is under development for nuclear emission imaging of surgically exposed, radiolabeled tumor beds. The imaging device front-end consists of a 0.5 mm thick by 1.25 cm diameter CaF,(Eu) scintillator disk coupled to a rigid bundle of 2 mm diameter double clad optical fibers through a polystyrene light diffuser. The detector area (1.2 cm2) was determined by the requirement of introducing the probe into small cavities, e.g. during neuro-surgical lesion resection, but large enough to produce images of clinical significance. Flexible back-end optical fibers (1.9 m long) were coupled to the front-end components allowing -75 photoelectrons to be detected for mean beta energies of 250 keV, indicating that sufficient signal can be obtained with clinical beta emitters (e.g. lSF, 1311). The long flexible fibers guide the scintillation light to a Philips XP1700 series, fiber optic faceplate, Multi-Channel PMT. The parallel MC-PMT outputs are fed into a variable gain, charge divider network and an i-V pre-amplifiedline driver network, whose resulting four outputs are digitized and histogrammed with standard Anger positioning logic. The various components in the imaging chain were evaluated and optimized by both simulations and measurements. Line spread functions measured in the 10.8 mm FOV were 0.50 mm f. 0.038 mm and 0.55 mm f 0.065 mm FWHM in X and Y, respectively. A 20% variation in pulse height and minimal variation in spatial resolution was observed. The differential image uniformity was measured to be rt15.6% with -150 ctdpixel. Preliminary images show excellent reproduction of phantom activity distributions.