Purpose: Endometriotic cysts are known to transform into ovarian cancers, such as clear cell and endometrioid carcinomas. We hypothesized that an iron-rich environment produced by the repetition of hemorrhage in the endometriotic cysts during the reproductive period may play a crucial role in carcinogenesis in the cysts through the iron-induced persistent oxidative stress. Experimental Design: Contents of human ovarian cysts, including 21 endometriotic cysts, 4 clear cell carcinomas, and 11nonendometriotic cysts, were analyzed for the concentrations of free ''catalytic'' iron, lactose dehydrogenase, potential antioxidant, lipid peroxide, and 8-hydroxy-2 ¶-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG). Iron deposition and 8-OHdG levels were also analyzed histologically. Reactive oxygen species and the mutagenicity of the contents in endometriotic cyst were determined in vitro. Results: The concentration of free iron in endometriotic cysts (100.9 mmol/L) was significantly higher than that in nonendometriotic cysts (0.075 mmol/L; P < 0.01). The average concentrations of lactose dehydrogenase, potentialantioxidant, lipidperoxide, and 8-OHdG were alsosignificantly higher in endometriotic cysts (P < 0.01).There was a correlation between the concentration of free iron and that of 8-OHdG (P <0.01). Histologically, we could observe iron deposits more abundantly in endometriotic cysts than in nonendometriotic cysts (P < 0.01).The level of 8-OHdG in carcinoma associated with endometriosis was higher than that of carcinoma without endometriosis (P <0.05).