Nine bacteriophages infecting Dickeya spp. biovar 3 ('Dickeya solani') were isolated from soil samples collected in different regions in Poland. The phages have a typical morphology of the members of the order Caudovirales, family Myoviridae, with a head diameter of c. 90-100 nm and tail length of c. 120-140 nm. In host range experiments, phage /D5 expressed the broadest host range, infecting members of all Dickeya spp., and phage /D7 showed the narrowest host range, infecting isolates of Dickeya dadantii and 'D. solani' only. None of the phages was able to infect Pectobacterium spp. isolates. All phages were prone to inactivation by pH 2, temperature of 85°C and by UV illumination for 10 min (50 mJ cm À2 ). Additionally, phages /D1, /D10 and /D11 were inactivated by 5 M NaCl and phage /D2 was inactivated by chloroform. Phages /D1, /D5, /D7 and /D10 were characterized for optimal multiplicity of infection and the rate of adsorption to the bacterial cells. The latent period was 30 min for /D1, 40 min for /D5, 20-30 min for /D7 and 40 min for /D10. The estimated burst size was c. 100 plaque-forming units per infected cell. The bacteriophages were able to completely stop the growth of 'D. solani' in vitro and to protect potato tuber tissue from maceration caused by the bacteria. The potential use of bacteriophages for the biocontrol of biovar 3 Dickeya spp. in potato is discussed.