and Emissions (CAFEE) has designed and constructed, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the 'next level' transportable dual-primary full-flow dilution tunnel emissions-measurement laboratory. As one of the major contributors, the author participated in the design and the fabrication processes of this laboratory. A systematic Simulink ® model was built for the Particulate Matter (PM) sampling system and a parametric study of the PM system was performed. Modeling of gas chemical composition, mass and heat transfer, as well as modeling of the primary and the secondary tunnels, were conducted with this Simulink ® model. This model simulated the tunnel flow and wall temperature, the PM filter face temperature, and the system's estimated theoretical PM diffusion losses. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was also set up to help the selection of the location and sizes of the mixing orifice plates, as well as the configurations of the high efficient particulate air (HEPA) filter and the exhaust pipe housing plenum box. This dissertation describes the modeling processes and results from this Simulink ® model and this CFD model. Each subsystem of this transportable laboratory and results of the qualification tests on the laboratory as the outcomes of the CAFFE teamwork are also described. Size distributions of ultra-fine particles in the diesel exhaust from a naturally aspirated, 2.4-liter, 40-kW ISUZU C240 diesel engine equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF) were studied. Tunnel dilution in the standard primary and secondary-dilution tunnels on the transportable laboratory, instrument dilution with one Portable Particulate Measurement Device (PPMD), and ambient dilution at post-tailpipe centerline of the engine were studied as three dilution methods with different dilution ratios. Particle size distribution data, during steady-state engine operation, were collected using a Cambustion DMS500 Fast Particulate Spectrometer. The CFD models were employed to predict the exhaust mixing in the primary tunnel and at the engine post-tailpipe centerline. The dilution ratios obtained from the CFD models were verified with measured dilution ratios. The CFD models then were used to provide auxiliary information on the exhaust dilution processes. The tunnel test results indicated varying size distributions across the tunnel cross sections where the flow was still developing. Homogenous particle-size distributions were observed across the sections at locations where the primary flow was fully mixed. However, the profile of particle-size distributions continued to evolve, due to residence time, even for fully mixed primary flow conditions. Variability of size distributions at the end of the secondary dilution tunnel was also observed with varied secondary-dilution ratios. The effects of dilution ratios, dilution speeds, and residence times on the diesel particulate matter (DPM) size distributions and particle mass concentration levels were analyzed and discussed. For example, the increased residence time...