ABSTRACIEffective absorption cross-sections for 02 production by Porphyridium cruentum were measured at 546 and 596 nanometers. Although all photosystem II reaction centers are energetically coupled to phycobilisomes, any single phycobilisome acts as antenna for several photosystem II reaction centers. The cross-section measured in state I was 50% larger than that measured in state II.The phycobiliproteins are major light-harvesting components in the photosynthetic apparatus of the red algae and cyanobacteria (9). In these organisms, the phycobiliproteins are contained in large, highly organized, multi-protein aggregates called PBsomes2 which are located on the external surface of the photosynthetic membrane (4). Despite their extralamellar location, the PBsomes transfer absorbed light energy with high specificity and efficiency to PSII which is located within the membrane (11,12 pellet was resuspended in fresh growth medium at an equivalent Chl concentration of 10 to 20 ,M. We calculate that, after settling on the electrode surface, the cells covered less than 30% of the floor area of our 02 polarograph (14).To measure effective absorption cross-sections in P. cruentum, I used a modification of our previously published method (14). I simultaneously illuminated cells resting on the surface of the bare platinum electrode with two sources of light. The first was a continuous green (541 nm) or blue (446 nm) background light. The second was a train (0.2 Hz) of laser flashes. To establish state II or state I, the cells were preilluminated for 5 min with bright green (100 x 1014 quanta cm-2 s-') or bright blue (61 x 1014 quanta cm-2 s-1) continuous light, respectively. These bright irradiances are at the upper end of the range of irradiances used in previous studies to produce state transitions (13,19,22,24). Preillumination ofthe algae with bright light gave the most stable and reproducible rates of 02 evolution in subsequent dim illuminations. The bright green and bright blue illuminations produced rates of 02 production that were 89% and 28%, respectively, of the light-saturated rate. For the cross-section measurements, we then reduced background irradiances to 1.0 x 10'4 quanta cm 2 s51 (green) or 1.7 x 10'4 quanta cm -2 S-' (blue). The dim 541 and 446 nm illuminations supported rates of 02 production that were 6% and 3% of the light-saturated rate, respectively, and both allowed maximum 02 flash yields. 02 flash yields and rates of 02 production reached their low-light steady state values within 2 min after the change from high to low continuous blue irradiance and in 3 to 4 min following the change from high to low continuous green irradiance. We began our cross-section measuremnts, which took a total of 8 to 12 min to complete, as soon as steady state 02 flash yields had been established.I generated 546 and 596 nm laser flashes of 0.5 As total duration using methanolic solutions of 100 ,M Coumarin 540 or 50 ,M Rhodamine 590 (Exciton, Dayton, OH), respectively, in a flashlamp-pumped dye laser (DL21OOC, Phasar Co...