Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) , luteinizing hormone (LH) fl, and a subunit messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were examined in rats after castration and sex-steroid replacement. Subunit mRNAs were determined by blot hybridization using rat FSH$ genomic DNA, and a and LH# complementary DNA (cDNA).Rat FSHI3 mRNA is 1.7 kilobase in size. After ovariectomy, female FSHj6 mRNA levels increased fourfold, whereas those of LH46 and a increased twenty-and eightfold, respectively. With estradiol, all subunits returned toward normal levels. Male LH,8 and a mRNA levels rose eight-and fourfold, respectively, 40 d postcastration, but FSH# mRNA levels increased minimally.After 7 d of testosterone propionate, LH8 and a mRNAs declined to normal levels, whereas FSHti mRNA increased slightly. We conclude that in female rats FSHfi is negatively regulated by gonadal steroids, but to a lesser extent than LH# or a mRNAs, and there is a differential regulation of FSH,6 mRNA levels in males as compared with females at the time points examined.