SUMMARYThe effect of mono-and polyclonal antibodies on the infectivity and pI (isoelectric pH) of type 1 poliovirus was studied. According to Mandel's hypothesis, the isoelectric pH of poliovirus should change to about pI 4 upon neutralization. However, several antibodies did not follow this rule. Moreover, when antibodies did shift the pI, no quantitative correlation existed between the extent of neutralization and the amount of poliovirus shifted to low pI. Native poliovirus focuses at approximately pH 7. The p] (isoelectric pH) is lowered to 4-0 to 5.5 (B zone of the pH gradient) after acidification before focusing, after mild heating or u.v. inactivation (Mandel, 1971), and after treatment with a neutralizing antiserum (Mandel, 1976). Based on the latter finding, Mandel (1976Mandel ( , 1978 hypothesized that the neutralization of poliovirus occurred by means of stabilization of the virions in a biologically inactive conformation focusing in the B zone.According to this model, three predictions can be made. When partly neutralized virus is submitted to isoelectric focusing, (i) virus recovered from the A zone should be fully infectious, (ii) virus recovered from the B zone should be non-infectious, and (iii) the fraction of virus focusing in the A zone should be equal to the virus survival ratio. Mandel (1976) reported an excellent correlation between the amount of virus focusing in the A zone and the survival ratio, in agreement with prediction (iii). However, the quantitative data concerned only a single serum.Recently, it was reported (Emini et al., 1983a, b;Icenogle et al., 1983) that the pI shift could also be induced by monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs); however, no quantitative data were presented to test for Mandel's hypothesis. Moreover, these reports also mentioned cases of neutralization by both mono-and polyclonal antibodies without concomitant shift in the isoelectric pH of the virus.The apparent absence of a pI shift with some neutralizing antibodies prompted us to investigate the quantitative correlation between the antibody-mediated pl shift and the neutralization of poliovirus. Five different antibody preparations will be discussed. We used Mandel's original focusing technique, slightly modified by prelbrmation of the pH gradient before introduction of the virus (Vrijsen et aL, 1983).The Nl-specific IgG2a-~c antibody, MoAb 35-1f4 Brioen et al., 1982), was shown to neutralize poliovirus by antibody-mediated aggregation (Brioen et al., 1983). Immunoglobulins were purified from ascitic fluids by ammonium sulphate precipitation. Part of this preparation was 14C-labelled by reductive methylation (A. A. M. Thomas et al., unpublished), and the fraction of poliovirus-specific immunoglobulin was determined by ultracentrifugation of a mixture of antibody and excess poliovirus. As 58 ~ of the 1"C co-sedimented with the viral material, this fraction of the immunoglobulin was considered to represent poliovirus-specific antibody.At the antibody/virus ratio of 12:1, the virus was neutralized by 95~, but its pI...