Abstract--Longitudinal and transverse quench propagation tests were performed at LNCMI high field test facility on instrumented double pancake coils fabricated by CEA-Saclay using co-wound HTS tapes. Energy deposited on an embedded heater initiated a quench and its subsequent propagations. Following the resulting thermo-mechanical analysis, a conductor design with stacked HTS tapes co-wound with stabilizers was conceived. A 10-turn demonstrator racetrack coil has been fabricated from the stacked HTS conductor with an aim to investigate the operation margin of an HTS coil in a background magnetic field misaligned from the coil axis as expected for the operating condition of an accelerator magnet insert.A test set up with a high current capacity up to 3 kA and angular variability that utilizes a room temperature ø 376 mm bore 10 T resistive magnet at LNCMI in Grenoble has been built. The performances and operation margin of the racetrack coil were investigated.
IndexTerms-High-field magnet, High-temperature superconductors (HTS), HTS coils, HTS quench propagation,