The bremsstrahlung X-ray spectrum in high-energy, high-intensity X-ray cargo inspection systems is attenuated and modified by cargo materials depending on the cargo atomic number (Z). Spectroscopy of transmitted x rays is thus useful to measure the approximate Z of the cargo. Due to the broad features of the energy spectrum, excellent energy resolution is not required. Such "Z-Spectroscopy" (Z-SPEC) is possible at low enough count rates. A statistical approach, Z-SCAN (Z-determination by Statistical Count-rate ANalysis), can also be used, complementing Z-SPEC at high count rates. Both approaches require fast Xray detectors and fast digitizers. Z-SPEC, in particular, benefits from very fast scintillators, in order to avoid signal pile-up. Preferentially, Z-SPEC, Z-SCAN and cargo imaging are implemented in a single detector array to reduce system cost, weight, and complexity. To preserve good spatial resolution of the imaging subsystem, dense scintillators are required. Previously, we studied ZnO, BaF 2 and PbWO 4 , as well as suitable photo-detectors, read-out electronics and digitizers. ZnO is not suitable because it self-absorbs its scintillation light. BaF 2 emits in the UV, either requiring fast wavelength shifters or UVsensitive solid state read-out devices, and it also has a long decay time component. PbWO 4 is currently the most attractive choice because it does not have these problems, but it is significantly slower and has low light output. There is thus a need for alternative fast high-density scintillators that emit visible light. Alternatively, there is a need for a fast solid-state read-out device that is sensitive to UV light for use with BaF 2 , or other UV-emitting scintillators. Here, we present results of tests performed with PbWO 4 crystals, reflector materials and silicon photomultipliers.