The evaporation duct height (EDH) can reflect the main characteristics of the near-surface meteorological environment, which is essential for designing a communication system under this propagation mechanism. This study proposes an EDH prediction network with multi-layer perception (MLP). Further, we construct a multi-dimensional EDH prediction model (multilayer-MLP-EDH) for the first time by adding spatial and temporal "extra data" derived from the meteorological measurements. The experimental results show that: 1) compared with the naval-postgraduate-school (NPS) model, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the meteorological-MLP-EDH model is reduced to 2.15 m, and the percentage improvement reached 54.00 %; 2) spatial and temporal parameters can reduce the RMSE to 1.54 m with an improvement of 66.96 %; 3) the multilayer-MLP- EDH model can match measurements well at both large and small scales by attaching meteorological parameters at extra height, the error is further reduced to 1.05 m, with 77.51 % improvement compared with the NPS model. The proposed model can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of the EDH and has great potential to improve the communication quality, reliability, and efficiency of ducting in evaporation ducts.