Metal-chelating polymers are critical
components in numerous
However, despite the known influence of polymer tacticity on both
bulk and solution properties, most materials used in metal-chelation
applications are atactic. Here, we investigate the relationship between
polymer tacticity and polymer–lanthanide interactions in aqueous
solution. We synthesized a series of five poly(methacrylic acid)s
with systematic variations in tacticity (20–99% m diads) and used isothermal titration calorimetry to measure the
thermodynamics of lanthanide binding to each material (ΔH, ΔG, ΔS, K
a, and stoichiometry). We observed enthalpy–entropy
compensation across this tacticity series, finding that both |ΔH| and |ΔS| decreased with decreasing m diad content while ΔG remained
similar. Molecular dynamics simulations of the polymer–metal
interactions revealed that the observed differences in binding thermodynamics
may be largely ascribed to differences in polymer flexibility. These
combined experimental and computational results demonstrate that metal
binding can be influenced by altering the polymer stereochemistry,
ultimately influencing the design of more efficient metal-chelating