Calculations of energy band structure, density of states, electronic density, and chemical bond parameters for a series of MeN3, where Me = Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ag, T1 have been given. The density functional theory and pseudopotential technique in mixed basis have been used. The valence band has been shown to be essentially formed from azideion states for alkali metal azides. The conduction band contains two subbands separated by a band gap. The first band is responsible for the anion states, while the second one is responsible for the cation ones. Silver d-states and thallium s-states have been seen to change greatly the structure of both the valence and conduction bands for AgN3 and TINS, viz. the upper valence bands are of a mixed anion-cation nature, the conduction band bottom consists of cation states, but the anion contributions increase when the energy grows. IIJIOTHOCTU, MeTOAOM I I C e B~O n O T e H~a . J I a , B CMeIlIaHHOM 6 a s a c e . HOKaCaHO, 9 T O B a 3 w a X Il&3lOSHbIX MeTanJIOB BaJIeHTHaX 3 0 H a Cf$OpMUpOBaHa IIpeUMyQeCTBeHHO U 3 COCTOXHEIfi a3wn e p B W 3 0 H a O T B e q a e T SLHIIOHHbIM, BTOpaX KaTUOHHbIM COCTOXHUIIM. d-COCTOIIHIlrr Ag S-COC-TOIIHMX T1 CyQeCTBeHHO MeHXHlT KaK BZUIeHTHyIO 30HY, TaK M 30HY IIpOBOAUMOCTEI. B AgN3 U T1N3 BepXHUe B m e H T H b I e 30HbI UMeIOT aHUOH-KaTUOHHYHl IIpUpOgy, HHO 30HbI IIpOBOAUMOCTH OTBeYaeT KaTUOHHbIM COCTOXHUXM C HapaCTaHUeM BKnaAOB OT aHUOHHbIX n p U BO3paCTaHUU WoHa. 3 o~a II~OBOAI~MOCTU COCTOMT 113 R B~X nogio~, p a 3~e n e~~b 1 x s a n p e~~e~~b r~ V a c r K o M .3 H e p r a u .