We study the extended Hubbard model with both on-site (U ) and nearest neighbor (V ) Coulomb repulsion using the exact diagonalization method within the dynamical mean field theory. For a fixed U (U = 2.0), the T − n phase-diagrams are obtained for V = 1.4 and V = 1.2, at which the ground state of n = 1/2 system is charge-ordered and charge-disordered, respectively. In both cases, robust charge order is found at finite temperature and in an extended filling regime around n = 1/2. The order parameter changes non-monotonously with temperature. For V = 1.4, phase separation between charge-ordered and charge-disordered phases is observed in the low temperature and n < 0.5 regime. It is described by an "S"-shaped structure of the n − µ curve. For V = 1.2, the ground state is charge-disordered, and a reentrant charge-ordering transition is observed for 0.42 < n < 0.68. Relevance of our results to experiments for doped manganites is discussed.