The energy dependence of the total reaction cross section ~r r and its tensor analyzing power T~o was measured for the 7Li-51V interaction in the energy range ELi=10-20MeV using two different experimental methods. Reaction residues were observed directly by their characteristic 7-emission, and the elastic scattering of 7Li from 51V was investigated. Additionally, the elastic scattering of 6Li from 51V was measured at 9.8, 12 and 14 MeV. The tensor analyzing power data can be interpreted as being caused by the spectroscopic mass deformation of the Li-ions. The energy dependence of crr and T~o above the Coulomb barrier can be described in terms of the classical sharp-cutoff model.Nuclear Reactions: 6'7Li+ 51V; ELi= 10-20 MeV, characteristic ?,-radiation of reaction residues, elastic scattering; measured reaction cross section crr and tensor analyzing power T~0; sharp-cutoff model.