One-dimensional nanotubes are of considerable interest in materials and biochemical sciences.Aparticular desire is to create DNA nanotubes with user-defined structural features and biological relevance, which will facilitate the application of these nanotubes in the controlled release of drugs,t emplating of other materials into linear arrays and the construction of artificial membrane channels. However,l ittle is knowna bout the structures of assembled DNA nanotubes in solution.H ere we report an in situ exploration of segmented DNA nanotubes, composed of multiple units with set length distributions, by using synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Through joint experimental and theoretical studies, we show that the SAXS data are highly informativei nt he context of heterogeneous mixtures of DNA nanotubes. The structural parameters obtained by SAXS are in good agreement with those determined by atomicf orce microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), andd ynamic light scattering (DLS). In particular,t he SAXS data revealed important structurali nformation on these DNA nanotubes, such as the in-solution diameters ( % 25 nm), which could be obtained only with difficulty by use of other methods. Our resultsestablish SAXS as areliable structural analysism ethod for long DNA nanotubes and could assist in the rational design of these structures.Genetically encoded nanotubes made from biomacromolecules, such as cytoskeletal filaments, [1] channeling protein nanotubes, [2] and membrane channels, [3] are critical cellular components. They provide structural support for intracellular transport, intercellularc ommunication, and transmembrane ion/molecule channeling. [4,5] Inspired by the natural protein nanotubes widely encountered in vivo, in vitro construction of biomimetic DNA nanotubes has attracted growing interest with the development of structuralD NA nanotechnology. [6][7][8][9][10] In general, at ypical DNA nanotube can be fabricated either by parallel alignmento fD NA duplexes or throughw rapping of DNA tile lattices. [11][12][13] These biomimetic DNA nanotubes have shown great potentiali nawide number of areas, such as cargo delivery, [14] templated arrangement of other materials, artificial membrane channels, and nanoscale reaction containers.Although severalD NA nanotubes have been successfully createdb yu sing rational design, little is knowna bout their structures in solution.C urrently employed characterization methods generally rely on atomic force microscopy (AFM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM), [15][16][17][18][19] which cannoti nterprett he in situ status of DNA nanotubes very well. Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), however,has emerged as ap owerful tool for in situ analysis of DNA nanostructures, especially for DNA nanotubes. SAXS has been used to study the interhelical spacingo fa24-helixb undle of DNA origami and the globalt wisting of planar DNA origami into nanotubes. [20,21] Further,t he positioning of chiral gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) decorated on ...