We investigate the kaon production at finite temperature and baryon density by means of an effective relativistic mean-field model with the inclusion of the full octet of baryons. Kaons are considered taking into account of an effective chemical potential depending on the self-consistent interaction between baryons. The obtained results are compared with a minimal coupling scheme, calculated for different values of the anti-kaon optical potential.Keywords Strangeness production · Nuclear equation of state
Hadronic equation of state and main resultsThe relativistic mean-field model (RMF) is widely successful used for describing the properties of finite nuclei as well as hot and dense nuclear matter [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. In this context, the total baryon Lagrangian density can be written as L B = L octet + L K , where L octet stands for the full octet of baryons ( p, n, , + , 0 , − , 0 , − ) and L K corresponds to the kaon mesons.