A new quill mite species, Syringophilopsis bochkovi sp. n. (Acariformes: Syringophilidae), is described from two species of manakins (Passeriformes: Pipridae), Corapipo altera (type host) and Manacus vitellinus collected in Panama. Females of the new species differ from those of morphologically similar S. nitens Skoracki et Dabert, 2001 by the following features: the total body length is 960–1,010 µm (vs. 1,265–1,285 µm in S. nitens); the dorsal shields (propodonotal, hysteronotal and pygidial) and coxal fields I–IV are apunctate (vs. all these sclerites are punctate); each lateral branch of the peritremes has 11 chambers (vs. 13 chambers); and the lengths of dorsal idiosomal setae d2 and e2 are 330–350 and 330–370 µm, respectively (vs. 390–400 and 420–460 µm). Syringophilopsis bochkovi represents the first record of the family Syringophilidae on passerines of the family Pipridae.