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APR 20042
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg, MS 391808. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER
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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESThe original document contains color images. Figure 5.b.1.B. Contributions to the change in lambda by age-specific survival rates for combinations at normal (1x) food ration. 111 Figure 5.b.1.B. Contributions to the change in lambda by age-specific survival rates for combinations at normal (1x) food ration. 112 Figure 5.b.1.C. Contributions to the change in lambda by age-specific fecundities for combinations at normal (1x) food ration. 112 Table 5 Table 5.b.5.A. Concentrations (µmol/L) of TNB, lead and phenanthrene in single-compound experiments: nominal, measured at day 0 from stock solutions, measured from exposure beakers at day 1 before water exchange and average of day 0 and day 1 concentrations. 125 Table 5.b.5.B. Concentrations (µmol/L) of TNB, lead and phenanthrene in mixture experiments: nominal, measured at day 0 from stock solutions , measured from exposure beakers at day 1 before water exchange and average of day 0 and day 1 concentrations. 126 Table 5 Table 5.b.6.A. Concentration (mg/kg dry wt.) of explosives compounds and some TNT degradation products in the dilution series of 40SD-3 sediment with reference sediment. 129 Table 5.b.6.B. Measured percent dilution (concentration in sample ÷ concentration in 40SD-3 x 100) in the dilution series of SD-3 sediment in reference sediment. 129 Table 5.b.6.C. Concentrations and Solubility limits (mg/L) of explosives compounds and some TNT degradation products in the porewater extracted from dilution series of 40SD-3 sediment in reference sediment. 129 Table 5.b.6.D. Measured percent dilution (concentration in sample ÷ concentration in 40SD-3 x 100) in the porewater extracted from dilution series of 40SD-3 sediment in "reference" sediment. 130 Table 5.b.6.E. Sediment-to-water partitioning coefficient (mg compound/kg sediment ÷ mg compound/L porewater) for explosives compounds and some TNT degrad...