“…Structure-activity relationship (SAR) information gleaned from the library screening indicated that position R 3 wasa menable to modification, because the presenceo fa ny one of severalr esiduesa tt his position resulted in ac ytotoxic compound( Ta ble 1). Removal of aromatic rings (P20, P28)o re xchange for N-heterocycles (P24, P25)i nR 3 reduced the lipophilicity,b ut also resulted in decreased activity.B yc ombining modifications made in P20 and P25,i nactive derivative P30 was obtained.Then, to unravel the mechanism of action of P9,s uitable probesf or target identification through affinity-chromatography-based proteomics were synthesised.T ot his end, attachment of a4 ,7,10-trioxatridecanamine unit to the C-terminal end of P9 yielded P9A (Figure 2A), whichd isplayed activity similart ot hat of P9 (IC 50 for inhibition of cell viability 5.5 AE 1.1 mm,T able S8) and induced apoptosis ( Figure S9).…”