A detailed examination of unusual inclusions in InP substrates has been undertaken. Techniques employed have included optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, reflection and transmission x-ray topography, conventional and high voltage electron microscopy, electron diffraction, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and Auger emission spectroscopy. Inclusions have been detected in many, but not all, undoped, Fe-, Sn-, and Ge-doped InP ingots, at densities from -I0 "~ to I04 cm-'-'. Larger inclusions consist essentially of a central core of densely tangled dislocations, surrounded by dislocation loops predominantly on {ll0} planes and extending I0-20 ~m outwards from the core. The entire complex of core plus surrounding loops results in a characteristically pitted appearance after etching, or as a region of strong contrast by x-ray topography. Smaller inclusions (-i ~m size) have been examined in electron microscope specimens foils. Some inclusions have been found at line dislocations, and it is probable that this is where the majority of inclusions originate, by a nucleation process. Attempts to determine the structure and chemical composition of the inclusions are presented and discussed.Single crystal indium phosphide is assuming increasing importance in at least three different areas of semiconductor technology. Iron-doped semi-insulating substrates with resistivities > 107 12cm are required for fabrication of indium phosphide FET's. n -T y p e substrates, usually produced by tin-doping to give carrier concentrations ,-, 1017-10 is cm -3, are required on which to grow epitaxial layers for transferred electron microwave devices. Finally, indium phosphide substrates are necessary for the growth of lattice p a r a m e t e r matched t e r n a r y (GaInAs) and quaternary (GaInAsP and GaAlInAs) epitaxial layers for various opto-electronic devices, particularly lasers, high brightness diodes, and detectors in the 1.3-1.6 ~m region.