Bone fractures, especially when treated surgically, are connected with changes in the homeostasis of the elements of which bone compounds consist, as well as the ones which participate in controlling processes. Such changes influence both the fracture itself and the operative procedure. For successful treatment of broken bones, it can be crucial to bring the homeostasis of bioelements back to the normal state.Thus, the aim of this work has been to determine magnesium and calcium concentrations in plasma from patients with fractures of long bones, and to analyze changes in the examined elements depending on the time after the operative procedure, injury and patient's age.The research was conducted on the blood of patients: 1) with long bone fractures treated surgically, 2) after a limb amputation because of a fracture or injury, 3) with long bone fractures and with multiorgan injury. With respect to the patients' age, there were 3 groups: 1) patients aged 18-40 years, 2) patients aged 41-60 years, 3) patients older than 60 years. In the postoperative period, the patients were on a strict postoperative diet, receiving only i.v. 0.9% NaCl and 5% glucose solutions.Blood was taken from patients first directly after admittance to hospital and next on the first, third, fifth and seventh day after an operative procedure.Plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations were determined by the method of emission spectrometry with induction plasma (ICP-OES). The results were worked out statistically. The differences p<0.05 were taken into consideration as statistically significant.The research showed that in the blood plasma from patients with long bone fractures treated surgically, there were noticeable decreases of calcium and magnesium concentra-6 tions mainly on the first, third and fifth postoperative day. These changes depended on the extend of an operative procedure, but did not depend on the patients' age. However, with respect to magnesium, its statistically significant decrease was noticed in the group of oldest patients.In the postoperative period, it is especially important to pay attention to calcium and magnesium concentrations, and for patients over 60 years of age magnesium supplementation is necessary. Maintenance of macronutrient homeostasis in an organism can be crucial for the patient's convalescence process.Key words: calcium, magnesium, long bone's fractures, surgical treatment.
AbstraktZ³amania kooeci, szczególnie leczone operacyjnie, wi¹¿¹ siê ze zmianami homeostazy pierwiastków wchodz¹cych w sk³ad zwi¹zków buduj¹cych kooeci, a tak¿e bior¹cych udzia³ w procesach regulacyjnych. Wp³ywa na to zarówno samo z³amanie, jak i zabieg operacyjny. Normalizacja zaburzeñ w homeostazie biopierwiastków mo¿e mieae istotne znaczenie dla zrostu kooeci w procesie zdrowienia pacjenta ze z³amaniem.Celem pracy by³o oznaczenie stê¿eñ magnezu i wapnia w osoczu krwi pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu z³amañ kooeci d³ugich o...