. Protonated 2,4-hexadienal (IH) and 2,4,6-octatrienal (2H), prepared by protonation of the analogous aldehydes in FS03H, isomerized to give cyclized products 3H and 4H at 30°C and -20°C respectively. The rate constants for the cyclization of 1H were measured in both FS03H and CF3S03H. It was found that the rate constant for isomerization decreased when CF3S03H was used as the reaction medium. It is suggested that the thermal cyclizations of 1H and 2H involve diprotonated species with protonation occurring on oxygen. 1H and 2H underwent photoisomerization at -78°C in FS03H to yield 5H and 7H respectively. It was found that 5H underwent a cyclization reaction at -40°C to give 6H, which subsequently rearranged to give 3H at -10°C. However, 7H was found to isomerize to 2H at -50°C. The mechanisms of the thermal isomerization are discussed. GEORGE R. ELIA, RONALD F. CHILDS et GARY S. SHAW. Can J . Chem 70, 2065Chem 70, (1992. L'hexa-2,4-diknan (IH) et l'octa-2,4,6-triknal (2H protonts, prCpares par protonation des aldehydes correspondants par le FS03H, s'isomCrisent pour donner les produits cycliques 3H et 4H, a 30°C et -20°C respectivement. On a mesurC les constantes de vitesse pour la cyclisation du produit l H , tant dans le FS03H que dans le CF3S03H. On a trouvC que la constante de vitesse pour 1'isomCrisation diminue lorsqu'on utilise le CF3S03H comme milieu rkactionnel. I1 est suggCrC que les cyclisations thermiques des composes 1H et 2H impliquent des espkces diprotonCes dans lesquelles la protonation se fait sur l'oxygkne. Dans le FS03H, 2 -78"C, les composCs 1H et 2H subissent des photo-isomkrisations qui conduisent respectivement aux composCs 5H et 7H. On a trouvC que le composC 5H subit une reaction de cyclisation i -40°C qui conduit au produit 6H qui se transpose subsCquemment pour donner le compose 3H a -10°C. Toutefois, on a trouvC que, a -50"C, le composC 7H s'isomkrise en composC 2H. On discute des mecanismes des isomCrisations thkrmiques.[Traduit par la redaction]The chemistry of polyenyl carbocations has been investigated extensively (1 -3). The characteristic reaction of this important class of carbenium ions is ring closure of a pentadienyl fragment to form a substituted cyclopentenyl cation. This cyclization reaction has been shown to proceed via a stereoselective 4-n electron electrocyclic ring closure (4, 5). These reactions are generally facile, occurring, for example, at very low temperatures when the ions are generated as long-lived species in strong acid media.There have been fewer studies reported on the chemistry on the hydroxy-or alkoxy-substituted polyenyl carbenium ions, despite the ease by which these ions can be prepared by the protonation of unsaturated carbonyl compounds and their derivatives (6). One important example is the cyclization of protonated cross-conjugated dienones to form protonated cyclopentenones, a reaction that forms the key step in what has become known as the Nazarov reaction (7). This cationic cyclization reaction parallels the cyclization reactions observed ...