Adult blowflies (Phormia regina Meigen) injected with the octopaminergic drug demethylchlordimeform (10 jug per fly) exhibited enhanced proboscis extension responses when their tarsae were touched to water or aqueous sucrose. They drank more water than saline-injected control flies did but the quantity imbibed was within the normal fluid intake capacity. They became grossly hyperphagic when offered 1 M sucrose, doubling (and in some cases even tripling) their initial body weights. Three other drugs enhanced tarsal responsiveness and induced hyperphagia: DL-octopamine, clonidine (which is known to stimulate octopaminergic receptors in insects), and pargyline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Yohimbine, an antagonist of one class of octopaminergic receptor in insects, prevented the hyperphagia induced by all four drugs. Dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and DL-norepinephrine failed to cause hyperphagia. These results suggest that octopaminergic receptors in the nervous system of the blowfly positively modulate feeding and drinldng behavior.In attempting to understand the neural and chemical mechanisms by which insect feeding behavior might be regulated, we injected neuroactive drugs into hungry adult blowflies (Phormia regina Meigen) and observed subsequent feeding behavior. P. regina was chosen for our studies because a great deal is known about its responses to food stimuli and its food consumption behavior (1). We focused on two components of feeding activity: (i) responsiveness to food stimuli as indicated by proboscis extension when the tarsi of the fly were touched to dilute sucrose solutions and (ii) actual consumption of 1 M sucrose, a strong stimulus to feeding. Our results demonstrate that blowfly feeding behavior can be manipulated by specific drugs and suggest that receptors of an octopaminergic type may be involved in the regulation of feeding and drinking in these insects.MATERIALS AND METHODS P. regina larvae were reared on liver; emerging adults were held for 2 days with water available ad lib but without food. Unless otherwise noted, food-deprived adults were tested on the third day of adult life, and males and females were used indiscriminately (2).One hour prior to determination of fluid intake, flies were anesthetized with C02, weighed, and affixed to a 15-cm length of applicator stick by a droplet of warm wax applied to the dorsum of the thorax. Food consumption was estimated by holding groups of 10 flies with their tarsi in contact with 1 M sucrose or water in such a way that they could extend their mouthparts and imbibe the solution. Flies (plus attached sticks) were weighed to the nearest mg (Cahn DTL electrobalance, Cerritos, CA) shortly before presentation of the solution to be imbibed. The flies were allowed to imbibe the solution for 30 min and then were reweighed. The data obtained enabled us to calculate the amount of 1 M sucrose or water consumed by each fly. Unless otherwise noted, drugs were dissolved in 145 mM NaCl and injected into the hemocoel in a volume of 1 p1. Control fl...