Eremanthus seidelii MacLeish & Schumacher tem ocorrência restrita ao cerrado, em torno do reservatório de Furnas (MG), em habitats que vêm sendo seriamente deteriorados pela ação humana. A presente investigação fitoquímica mostrou, como metabólitos secundários majoritários das folhas de E. seidelii, as lactonas sesquiterpênicas (LS) 4β,5-diidro-2',3'-diidroxi-15-desoxigoiazensolídeo (1) e 4β,5-diidro-1',2'-epoxi-eremantolídeo-C (2); uma metodologia foi desenvolvida em CLAE para sua análise quantitativa. A análise por CLAE mostrou que não há variações sazonais significativas nas concentrações de ambas LS. Não foram encontradas diferenças qualitativas nos perfis de LS nos indivíduos amostrados. Entretanto, há diferenças no perfil quantitativo entre os indivíduos analisados, apontando para a existência de três quimiotipos quantitativos desta espécie, com diferenças possivelmente originadas na atividade enzimática das enzimas que ciclizam uma LS tipo goiazensolídeo (1) em uma LS tipo eremantolídeo (2).Eremanthus seidelii MacLeish & Schumacher has a restricted occurrence to the Brazilian "cerrado" surrounding the Furnas (MG) reservoir, in environments that have been seriously damaged by human activity. The present phytochemical investigation reveals that the sesquiterpene lactones (SL) 4β,5-dihydro-2',3'-dihydroxy-15-desoxy-goyazensolide (1) and 4β,5-dihydro-1',2'-epoxy-eremantholide-C (2) are the major secondary metabolites in E. seidelii leaves, and an HPLC method was developed for their quantitative analysis. HPLC analysis showed no significant seasonal variation in the concentrations of both SL. No qualitative differences were found in the SL patterns of all individuals sampled. However, there is a different SL quantitative pattern among the plants analyzed, pointing to the existence of three quantitative chemotypes of this species, with differences possibly originating from the activity of the enzymes that cyclize the goyazensolide type SL (1) to a eremantholide type SL (2).
Keywords: HPLC, sesquiterpene lactones, chemotypes, populational variation, Eremanthus seidelii
IntroductionThe genus Eremanthus Less (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) comprises 22 species that are restricted to the Brazilian "cerrado". 1,2 Previous phytochemical investigations with this genus led to the isolation of flavonoids, triterpenes, poliacetylenes and revealed sesquiterpene lactones (SL) as the main secondary metabolites. 3-9 Some of the SL isolated from the Eremanthus genus posses important biological activities, 3,[6][7][8]10 like the antiproliferative effects on some cancer cell lines 11 and the modulation of the inflammatory process in vitro, by inhibiting the NF-κβ transcriptor factor. 12 Seasonal, 13-16 circadian [17][18][19] and populational 20-24 variations in the content of almost all classes of secondary metabolites, including SL, [25][26][27][28][29] were reported. The recognition of variations in secondary metabolite production can be helpful in chemotaxonomic studies, 1397 Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Sesquiterpene Lactones V...