We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Killing spinor in N = (1, 0) gauge supergravity in six dimensions coupled to a single tensor multiplet, vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. These are shown to imply most of the field equations and the remaining ones are determined. In this framework, we find a novel 1/8 supersymmetric dyonic string solution with nonvanishing hypermultiplet scalars. The activated scalars parametrize a 4 dimensional submanifold of a quaternionic hyperbolic ball. We employ an identity map between this submanifold and the internal space transverse to the string worldsheet. The internal space forms a 4 dimensional analog of the Gell-Mann-Zwiebach tear-drop which is noncompact with finite volume. While the electric charge carried by the dyonic string is arbitrary, the magnetic charge is fixed in Planckian units, and hence necessarily non-vanishing. The source term needed to balance a delta function type singularity at the origin is determined. The solution is also shown to have 1/4 supersymmetric AdS 3 × S 3 near horizon limit where the radii are proportional to the electric charge.• to lay out the framework for finding further solutions which, in turn, may lead to new solutions in other theories of interest that live in diverse dimensions,• to establish the fact that (dyonic) string solution exists in a more general situation than so far that has been known, in the sense that new type of fields, to wit, hyperscalars, have been activated, and