In 2021, a novel metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the child's learning behavior and cognitive development employs the golden ratio. The golden ratio was first presented by the renowned scientist Fibonacci. The ratio of two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is alike, and it is named the golden ratio, which is predominant in nature, architecture, design, and art. The Child Drawing Development Optimization Algorithm implements the golden ratio and mimics cognitive learning and the child's drawing development stages starting from the scribbling stage to the advanced pattern-based stage. This aids children with developing, refining their intelligence, and cooperatively achieving shared goals. The Child Drawing Development Optimization Algorithm is developed for single objective optimization problems, and it is also compared to Particle Swarm Optimization, Differential Evolution, Whale Optimization Algorithm, Gravitational search algorithm, and Fast Evolutionary Programming, Child Drawing Development Optimization Algorithm demonstrated its ability to handle complex optimization problems. The main contribution of this paper is to present and explains the Child Drawing Development Optimization Algorithm and uses them as models in a case study to minimize a fitness function. The initial population has been successfully fully improved as a result, and the best solution has been obtained by the Child Drawing Development Optimization Algorithm.