Studies have linked cocaine dependence to suicidality. According to the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, suicidal behavior becomes likely with the simultaneous presence of perceived burdensomeness (PB), lack of (or thwarted) belongingness (TB), and acquired fearlessness about death (FAD). Here, we examined personality and other variables, including depression, selfâesteem, childhood abuse, and substance use, as predictors of these risk factors in cocaineâdependent individuals (CDs).
Seventy CDs and 70 healthy controls (HCs) participated. We examined group differences in a groupâbyâsex analysis of variance and identified predictors of PB, TB, and FAD in stepwise regressions.
CDs exhibited elevated PB and TB but not FAD, compared to HCs. CDs also exhibited elevated harm avoidance, novelty seeking, depression, and lower selfâesteem and reward dependence. Females reported elevated sexual abuse, harm avoidance, reward dependence, depression, but lower FAD, relative to males, among CDs and HCs. Among CDs, PB was predicted by lower selfâesteem and greater emotional abuse; TB was predicted by lower selfâesteem and reward dependence, as well as greater emotional and sexual abuse; and FAD was predicted by lower harm avoidance and greater physical abuse.
Interventions targeting suicidality in cocaine dependence should take into consideration selfâesteem, personality traits, and childhood abuse.