“…Psychometric Evaluation of the PCToMM-E ToM is concerned with the understanding of thoughts and feelings and all mental states in one's self and others as well as the understanding of similarities and differences in mental states across different targets (Miller, 2000). The notion of ToM is broad, multifaceted (Astington, 2005) and subsumes or overlaps with constructs that include, but are not limited to, metarepresentation, pretense (Leslie, 1987), the ability to deceive (e.g., Sodian & Frith, 1992;Sodian, Taylor, Harris, & Perner, 1992), the mental-physical distinction (Baron-Cohen, 1989a), desire and intention (Astington, 1999(Astington, , 2001Wellman & Bartsch, 1988), distinctions between appearance and reality (Baron-Cohen, 1989a;Flavell, Green & Flavell, 1986), the causes of emotions in general (e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1991), the notion that seeing leads to knowing (Leslie & Frith, 1988;Perner, Frith, Leslie, & Leekam, 1989), second-order thinking (i.e., understanding embedded mental states; e.g., what Laura thinks Patty thinks; Baron-Cohen,1989b), visual perspective-taking (Leslie & Frith, 1988), affective recognition (Baron-Cohen, 2003;Prior, Dahlstrom & Squires, 1990), empathy (Baron-Cohen, 2003), and the understanding and production of mental state terms (Kazak et al, 1997;Tager-Flusberg, 1992) and speech acts (Astington, 1988;Searle, 1969).…”