p h o b la s tic ly m p h o m a ; tw o B urkitt's ly m phom a), etiology rem ained unknow n. In these children, DST occurred early in the course of therapy. The m edian interval betw een start of chem otherapy an d onset of symptoms w as 19 days (range 8-40). No child had received Lasparaginase. Prognosis was favourable, with sym ptom s c o m p le te ly disap p earin g w ith o u t therapy within 1 to 5 days. The incidence of DST in p atien ts w ith ad v an ced stage non-H odgkin lym phom a during induction and c o n solidation w as calculated to be below 3%. W e conclude that DST is rarely diagnosed in chil dren with cancer. O ccurrence during the initial phase of therapy for non-Hodgkin lym phom a is associated with a benign prognosis. Med. Pediatr. O ncoL 2 9 :2 9 6 -3 0 2 , 1997.