“…In recent years, few scholars have analyzed political raw materials strategies worldwide. Their studies compared policies in different world regions (Barteková & Kemp, 2016), policies on strategic and critical raw materials in China (Andersson, 2020;Biedermann, 2018;Shen, Moomy, & Eggert, 2020), the competition for raw materials of certain countries (Gulley et al, 2018;Schmid, 2019a;Vekasi, 2019), and policy measures with regard to certain CRMs, especially rare earths (Mancheri, Sprecher, Bailey, Ge, & Tukker, 2019;Wübbeke, 2013). Furthermore, some scholars focused on the analysis of corporate raw material strategies, which are often intertwined with national policies (Lapko, Trucco, & Nuur, 2016;Schmid, 2020aSchmid, , 2020b.…”