“…for I III, scalar (X), vector (VP = 1, + rp), axial vector (.A,, = I,, -7.p) ~iitl hryoii (B, 9 matrices one has X' = hXh+, V, ' = 1zV&+,Al,= hAphi,B' = hBh+. D' = 1,hhD (20) The present, non-linearly transforming, haclronic fields can br ol)tainl,cl from the linearly transforming ones described in [14] by multiplying thcnl with u(r(x)) and its conjugate (see also [22] Here, M = C + i17 and its conjugate contains the non&s of the linearly transforming scalar (C) and pseudoscalar (n) mesons, whereas i,, , ? ',,, PI,, PI/H : AT, and An are the left-and right-handed parts of the spin-l mcsous, spin-I/:!…”