Diastereoisomers of the 1,3-dienes R -CMe = CMe -CMe = CMe -R (2, R = CO,CH,; 7, R = CH20CH3) have been prepared. The configurations at the C = C bonds (Schemes 2 and 3) and the conformations of these chiral dienes were investigated by several spectroscopic methods. The barriers to partial rotation about the central C -C single bond in (E,E)-, (E,Z)-, and (Z,Z)-2 were determined by dynamic 'H NMR in the presence of the optically active lanthanide complex ( + ) -E~( h f b c )~. The AG*-values (Table 6) allow conclusions to be drawn about the structure of the s-trans transition state of rotation.Chirale Butadiene, 10 l)
Enantiomerisierungs-Schwellen von 1,2,3,4-Tetramethyl-1,3-butadienenDiastereomere der 1,3-Diene R-CMe=CMe-CMe=CMe-R (2, R = C02CH3; 7, R = CH20CH3) wurden dargestellt. Die Konfigurationen an den C = C-Bindungen (Schemes 2 und 3) und die Konformationen dieser chiralen Diene wurden mit mehreren spektroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Die Schwellen der Teilrotation um die zentrale C -C-Einfachbindung in (E,E)-, (E,Z)-und (Z,Z)-2 wurden durch dynamische 'H-NMR-Spektroskopie in Gegenwart des optisch aktiven Lanthaniden-Komplexes ( +)-Eu(hfbc), bestimmt. Die AC; *-Werte (Table 6) lassen Schliisse auf die jeweilige Struktur des s-trans-Ubergangszustands der Rotation zu.Highly substituted 1,3-butadienes adopt nonplanar conformations and are thus chiral ' v 3 ) (Scheme 1). The barriers to enantiomerization of various chiral dienes have been determined by dynamic NMR measurement^^.^). The barriers are of particular interest if the groups X in Scheme 1 show rotational symmetry (e. g. C1, Br) or effective rotational symmetry (e. g. Me). In these cases a more detailed understanding of the process of interconversion by means of molecular-mechanics calculations can be Scheme 1