Honey, being a natural product manufactured by honey bees is considered to be free from any extraneous material. The over-reliance on pesticides caused several environmental problems including pesticide residues in food. This constitutes a potential risk for human health, because of their sub acute and chronic toxicity. Therefore this study was carried out to know the extent of pesticide residue in honey produced in the various parts of Himachal Pradesh. Among different pesticides analysed in honey; HCH and its isomers were the most frequently detected followed by DDT and its isomers. Of the studied synthetic pyrethroids, only cypermethrin was found in honey samples. Residues of organophosphates viz. acephate, chlorpyriphos, ethion and monocrotophos were not detected, however malathion's residue was found exceeding the MRL (5 ppb) proposed by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. More over honey from natural vegetation contained lesser residues. It can be concluded that honey from Himachal Pradesh had low pesticide residues.