Regulation of photosynthetic activity can contribute to the prevention of photodamage in stress resistant plants during exposure to drought or low temperatures. Responses to increasing levels of water stress were examined in seedlings of the stress resistant forest conifer, white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench.] Voss). Some seedlings were grown under aseptic in vitro conditions and others in pots. In relatively resistant in vivo seedlings, photosynthetic activities changed slowly in response to increasing water stress. Highly sensitive in vitro seedlings responded to water deficits similarly to in vivo seedlings but over a much shorter time scale. Fluorescence, CO2 exchange, and stomatal conductance data reported here suggest possible mechanisms for the regulation of photochemical activity in these plants.The regulation of photosynthetic activity may be a necessary adaptation enabling stress resistant plants to avoid photodamage during exposure to drought, low temperatures, or other stresses. It is well known that various partial processes of photosynthesis are affected differently by changes in leaf or chloroplast temperature or water potential (3,5,17,25). Also, there is increasing understanding that the effects of stress on photosynthetic rates can be only partially attributed to stomatal function (11). Photochemical water splitting appears to be blocked in various forest conifers at subfreezing temperatures or by water stress (9,14) and has been reported to be reversibly inhibited in a high intertidal marine alga undergoing desiccation (26,34). Inactivation of water splitting can prevent the formation of active oxygen species (7) and therefore protect the plants from photodamage.At any given instant the amplitude of Fv2 is dependent on the redox state of the QA (19). The rates of electron transfer from the OEC to QA and reoxidation by the intersystem transport chain determine its redox state. The P-level rise (Fig. 1) is a result of more rapid QA reduction than reoxidation by intersystem electron carriers (1). Water-splitting by OEC determines the QA reduction rate while reoxidation is a complex function which includes the activity of PSI, the photochemical generation of ATP (photophosphorylation) and NADPH+, the dark reactions of CO2 assimilation and various regulatory or energy dissipating mechanisms (15,16,28,32,33 into balance of the various processes which determine the electron flow rate (see Refs. 2, 10, 13, and 23 for reviews on the component systems). The redox state of QA and, therefore, the amplitude of Fv are thus dependent on the interaction of processes with quite different stress sensitivities.Utilizing parallel fluorescenee and gas exchange measurements, effects of water stress on white spruce seedlings were investigated.
MATERIALS AND METHODSResponses to Soil Moisture Stress. Forty, 1 year old, white spruce seedlings were subjected to varying degrees of water stress by withholding water for various periods of time, up to 10 d. The seedlings were then inserted into a previously describ...