The authors research the criminal situation in the conditions of globalization, reproduction of social risks, crisis and dominance of economic processes over all spheres of social and private life. The goal of the paper is to evaluate the actual degree of criminogenity of most important social institutions in modern Russia from the standpoint of the anomie theory of E. Durkheim, its interpretation by R. Merton and of the institutional anomie theory of S. Messner and R. Rosenfeld. They highlight changes in traditional non-economic social institutions and the actualization of conditions causing social stratification according to the «inclusion/exclusion» criterion, which act as a basis for the development of systemic deviantization factors. At the same time, the authors stress that the research of objective social processes should go hand-in-hand with the research of the subjective component, namely, social attitudes aimed at the assessment and the degree of interiorization, declared and often imposed and viewed as meaningful incentives for reaching objectives. This research uses the method of analyzing the secondary data of public surveys, it analyzes statistical data, including various socio-economic, demographic and other indices as well as the questionnaire method. In order to predict the situation in the sphere of studying criminal behavior, the authors suggest paying attention to the processes of de-commoditization, which act as a basis for reducing the imbalance in how a person perceives his/her position in society; they also suggest taking into consideration the negative impact of economic aspects on the cultural and moral principles of the society.