Lavender is one of the most common of the various herbs known to have sedative and hypnotic effects on rodents and humans, and it has been reported to have anti-neurodepressive effects. 1,2) Recently, inhalation of the vapor of many herbal oils has been used for aromatherapy. [3][4][5] We previously reported that pentetrazol or nicotine-induced convulsion in mice was inhibited by the inhalation of vapors of Lavandula angustifolia oil. 6) In this study, we selected Lavandula burnatii super-derived essential oil is from the five main lavender oils. It has a good fragrance and lower cost than other lavender oils, but contains in a high level of linalool.
7)Elisabetsky et al., already reported that linalool showed hypothermic, hypnotic and anti-convulsive effects in mice. 8) In women, exclusively, the function of the ovaries decreases with aging, causing a hormone imbalance based on increasing gonadotropine and decreasing estrogen. 9) Ether-inhalation is one experimental animal model for stress. 10) After inhalation, an increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and decrease in catecholamine level in plasma is induced. These observations are based on accerelation of the turnover of catecholamine in the central nervous system.
11)These phenomena, namely plasma ACTH and catecholamine levels, follow the same movement in human depression.
12)Accordingly, climacterium syndrome shows many symptoms including autonomic nervous system disorder or depression.9) In this study, we report the assessment of the effects of lavandula burnetii super-derived essential oil and linalool on plasma ACTH, catecholamine and gonadotropin (lutinizing hormone: LH, folicle-stimulating hormone: FSH) levels in an experimental menopausal model using female rats under ether-inhalation.
MATERIALS AND METHODWistar female retired rats that had delivered 3 or 4 times were obtained from Nihon Ikagaku Laboratory (Tokyo), and ovariectomy (OVX) was carried out under Nembutal anesthesia. These rats were housed at a constant temperature (23Ϯ1°C) and a constant relative humidity (55Ϯ5%), with a constant light cycle (lights on from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.). Food and water were available ad libitum. One month after OVX, the rats were used for our experiment. Lavender oils were purchased from Kenso Igakusha (Tokyo) and linalool was obtained from Wako Pure Chemical Ind., Ltd. (Tokyo). The inhalation apparatus was a plastic cage (H13ϫW21ϫ L32 cm with a cover). Cotton was soaked in two doses (0.3 or 0.7 ml) of lavender oil or linalool and placed in a plastic cage. The temperature in the experiment room was 23Ϯ1°C. Inhalation of lavender oil and linalool vapor was performed twice (at 1100, 1500 h) a day for three days. One trial involved 20 min inhalation according to the method of Jirovetz et al. 13) After a 10 min final inhalation on the 3rd day, rats inhaled ether (cotton soaked 3 ml) vapor for 20 min. The procedure of ether inhalation was carried out according to the method of Ina et al. 14) After 20 min, rats were decapitated and blood samples were obtained...