We tested the novel hypothesis that endogenous adenosine (eADO) activates low-affinity A3 receptors in a model of neurogenic diarrhea in the guinea pig colon. Dimaprit activation of H2 receptors was used to trigger a cyclic coordinated response of contraction and Cl Ϫ secretion. Contraction-relaxation was monitored by sonomicrometry (via intracrystal distance) simultaneously with short-circuit current (Isc, Cl Ϫ secretion). The short interplexus reflex coordinated response was attenuated or abolished by antagonists at H2 (cimetidine), 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 receptor (RS39604), neurokinin-1 receptor (GR82334), or nicotinic (mecamylamine) receptors. The A1 agonist 2-chloro- -(3-iodobenzyl)-adenosine-5Ј-N-methyluronamide (IB-MECA) abolished coordinated responses and the A3 antagonist 3-ethyl-5-benzyl-2-methyl-4-phenylethynyl-6-phenyl-1,4-(Ϯ)-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (MRS1191) could restore and further augment responses. The IB-MECA effect was resistant to knockdown of adenosine A1 receptor with the irreversible antagonist FSCPX; the IC50 for IB-MECA was 0.8 M. MRS1191 alone could augment or unmask coordinated responses to dimaprit, and IB-MECA suppressed them. MRS1191 augmented distension-evoked reflex Isc responses. Adenosine deaminase mimicked actions of adenosine receptor antagonists. A3 receptor immunoreactivity was differentially expressed in enteric neurons of different parts of colon. After tetrodotoxin, IB-MECA caused circular muscle relaxation. The data support the novel concept that eADO acts at low-affinity A3 receptors in addition to high-affinity A1 receptors to suppress coordinated responses triggered by immune-histamine H2 receptor activation. The short interplexus circuit activated by histamine involves adenosine, acetylcholine, substance P, and serotonin. We postulate that A3 receptor modulation may occur in gut inflammatory diseases or allergic responses involving mast cell and histamine release. adenosine A3 receptor; adenosine A1 receptor; neurogenic diarrhea; sonomicrometry; motility; Cl Ϫ secretion; coordination of motility and secretion; endogenous adenosine ADENOSINE (ADO) A1, A2, and A3 receptor (R) proteins or mRNA exist in rodent (30) and human intestinal tract (14). Functional evidence for A1 inhibitory, non-A1 (putative A3), and A2 excitatory receptors exists on enteric neurons (15). A preliminary report suggested that an inhibitory limb of the musculomotor reflex may be activated by putative A3 receptors in the rodent distal colon (24). One study to date provided pharmacological evidence for inhibitory A3 receptors in synaptic transmission in neurons of the intact submucosal plexus of the human jejunum (65). Endogenous adenosine (eADO) provides ongoing inhibitory effects in enterochromaffin (EC) cells (17) and the enteric nervous system (ENS) in rodents (13,15,16,18) and humans (65) and in hypoxic conditions (29) by activating high-affinity A1 and putative low-affinity A3 receptors. This has been deduced from pharmacological studies with selective agonists or antagonists at the...