The hemicell~~lose isolated by direct alkaline extraction of the wood has been shown to be a 4-0-mcthylglucuronoxylan. R~Iethylation data indicate a backbone of approxi~nately 120 D-xylopyranose units linked by P,1-4 bonds with single units of 4-0-methyl-D-glucuronic acid linked by or, 1-2 bonds.proportion of acid units to xylose is approximately 1:6. Two artifacts were isolated from the hydrolysis products of the methylated polysaccharide:4-0-(2,3-di-0-methyl-or-~-xylopyranosyl)-2,-d1--meth-~-xyose and 2,3-di-0-methyl-D-lyxose.I-Ieinicelluloses froin many deciduous and coniferous trees have been isolated and studied, and these results have been reviewed (1). The majority of the trees so far investigated have been those of conllnercial importance for pulping, such as birch, beech, hemlock, and spruce, etc. Certain generalizations on the structure of he~nicellu-loses have emerged as a result of these studies, the most notable being that the he~ni-celluloses from coniferous trees have a high mannosk content whereas those from deciduous trees are very low in this sugar (1). I t was of interest t o include other species in these structural investigations and accordingly the hemicelluloses from two ~nembers of the Rosaceae family have been studied. The present paper reports the results on ~VIalus m i a i l l . (var. Golden Transparent), and the results on Prz~nz~s avium L. (var. Bing) will be reported later (2).Finely ground apple wood was extracted with hot alco11ol:benzene (1:2) and the air-dried residue was shaken with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide.highly colored extract was discarded and the residue re-extracted with 1 N sodium hydroxide according to the method of l/lcDonald (3). The hemicellulose was isolated by pouring the alk* CL 1' ine extract into acidified ethanol and, after being dried by solvent exchange, amounted to 8-12y0 of the dry wood.The hydrolysis products of the hemicellulose were resolved on ion exchange resins into a neutral and an acidic fraction. Chromatographic analysis of the former showed it to contain predominantly D -X Y~O S~ which was characterized as the crystalline sugar. There were also trace amounts of arabinose, galactose, and rhamnose, together with two components having a greater mobility than rhainnose. The identities of these two sugars have not yet been determined. The acidic fraction contained appreciable amounts of an aldobiouronic acid, characterized by conversion t o the crystalline methyl 2-0-(2,3-di-0-acetyl-4-0-i~1et~1yl-cr-~-glucopyranosy)ro~te 3,4-di-0-acetyl-D-xylopyranoside (4), together with smaller amounts of nlaterials assumed t o be free uronic acid and an aldotriouronic acid.The hemicellulose was methylated, fractionated, and cleaved by methanolysis. After the methyl esters of the acidic conlponents had been saponified with bariuin hydroxide the mixture of glycosides was resolved into neutral and acidic portions. The acidic fraction was re-esterified with diazoinethane and reduced with lithium aluminum hydride with the expectation that the crystalline methyl 2-...