An NADPH-specific disulfide reductase that is active with bis-'y-glutamylcystine has been purified 1,900-fold from Halobacterium halobium to yield a homogeneous preparation of the enzyme. Purification of this novel reductase, designated bis-y-glutamylcystine reductase (GCR), and purification of halobacterial dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) were accomplished with the aid of immobilized-metal-ion affinity chromatography in high-salt buffers. Chromatography of GCR on immobilized Cu2" resin in buffer containing 1.23 M (NH4)2SO4 and on immobilized Ni2O resin in buffer containing 4.0 M NaCl together effected a 120-fold increase in purity. Native Disulfide-specific reductases play a central role in the maintenance of aerobic cell cytoplasms in a chemically reduced state. Glutathione reductase (EC is an NADPH-dependent disulfide reductase that is present in aerobic eubacteria and eucaryotic cells and maintains the peptide glutathione (y-Glu-Cys-Gly) predominantly in its reduced or thiol form (13, 39). Reduced glutathione is found at millimolar levels in cells and is a coenzyme for several enzymes that reduce intracellular disulfides and detoxify potent oxidants, such as peroxides (8,15,21). These processes yield the disulfide form of glutathione, which is cycled back to the thiol by glutathione reductase.Glutathione may not be the only thiol antioxidant utilized in aerobic cells; several aerobic bacteria that lack glutathione have been shown to produce other low-molecularweight thiols and disulfide reductase activities (23,32,35). One such group of bacteria are the halophilic archaebacteria, which have been shown to lack reduced glutathione but contain millimolar levels of -y-glutamylcysteine (,y-Glu-Cys) (23). This finding suggested that the halobacteria may employ a redox metabolism similar to that established for glutathione but based on -y-Glu-Cys. Central to this metabolism would be a disulfide reductase that is active with -y-Glu-Cys disulfide (bis-y-glutamylcystine), and the detection of an NADPH-dependent reductase activity in crude extracts of Halobacterium halobium indicated that this enzyme was present (23). In this paper we report the complete purification of an NADPH-specific bis-y-glutamylcystine reductase (GCR) from extracts of H. halobium. The characteristics of GCR and the possible functions of -y-Glu-Cys in the halobacteria are also discussed.Purification of most halobacterial enzymes requires the use of high-ionic-strength buffers (,u > 2 M) to retain enzyme activity (17). Chromatographic methods have been devel-* Corresponding author.oped that function well in buffers containing molar levels of NaCl or (NH4) 2SO4 (14,18,22,24), and a small number of halobacterial enzymes have been purified to homogeneity. Our limited success in purifying the GCR from H. halobium by established methods led us to examine additional approaches to purification in high-salt buffers. Immobilizedmetal-ion affinity chromatography (also known as metal chelate affinity chromatography) (26, 27), a technique used...