The subject index has been arranged in such a manner as to avoid lengthy listings under main topics. For instance, under the main topic "scales," the reader is referred to specific main entries for specific types of scales; and under the main topic "specifications and tolerances," the reader is referred to specific main entries for specifications and tolerances for specific types of weighing or measuring devices. Since all topics presented at the National Conference relate to either weight or measure, the main topic "weights and measures" appearing in the previous index has been eliminated. Also, the main topic "resolutions" appearing in the previous index has been eliminated, as any resolution passed on a specific topic is listed under that topic.The speaker index is arranged alphabetically by name of speaker. Under each name, the addresses of the speaker are listed chronologically.The citations to the reports and the page numbers are given as follows: The report number precedes the comma, and the page number in the report follows the comma. Each set of report and page numbers is separated by a semicolon.A list of the Conference Reports and their availability appears on page 41 1 INDEX BY SUBJECTS A Acetylene gas, sale and marking, 39, 63. Accreditation of weights and measures jurisdictions, 56, 58. Adjustments to devices, 34, 163. Administration:Budgetary procedures: Justification, 42,112. Survey on, 37, 39; 39, 36; 43, 21; 48, 24. City and county departments, 16,34; 18,39; 22, 62; 26. 18; 31, 7; 43, 112. Efficiency. 10.122; 17.91; 22,29; 42 40, 15; 41. 5; 42. 116; 43. 69; 43. 89; 43. 115; 44. 12; 44. 117; 45. 137; 46. 11; 47, 133; 47. 135; 47. 138; 51.33; 52. 147 Reports of, 40, 110; 41, 14; 42. 56; 43. 28; 44, 62; 45, 29; 47. 128; 48, 95; 49. 104. Resolution. 49 Large -capacity, specifications and tolerances. 15. 34; 16. 132; 22. 72; 42. 77, Specifications and tolerances. 22, 119; 23.79; 23. 83; 23. 150; 24. 146; 25. 104; 26, 120; 27. 79; 35, 83; 47. 112; 51. 161; 54. 170 Law, 9, 53; 9, 56; 10, 176.Resolution, 8, 223. Beef, sale by hanging weight, 54, 73. Beer barrels:Sizes for. 9. 146; 41. 25. Testing, 25, 113. Belt-conveyor scales. 36.53; 37. 65. Specifications and tolerances. 52, 173; 53. 117; 54. 179; 55. 244; 56. 176.
INDEX BY SUBJECTSBerries and other small fruits, sale and mark- ing. 32, 29; 32,42; 56, 199. Berry baskets and boxes:Specifications and tolerances, 9, 59; 9,79; 9,90; 10, 199; 11. App, 1, 14; 34, 158; 54. 196; 55. 261. Better Business Bureau, activities, 21,93 56, 199. Tolerances, 14,37; 14,84; 15,79; 15,91; 16,112; 17,51; 17.63; 18, 143; 18,154; 18, 163; 46. 90. Weight standardization legislation. 13, 115; 13.188; 14.24; 14.72; 14.80; 14,83; 15,88; 16,98; 16,112; 17,40; 17,59; 17,76; 18,143; 18,154; 19,83; 24,162; 26. 34; 26, 95. Resolutions, 13, 174; 19, 170. Weight variables, contributing factors. 46. 90. Burgess. George Kimball, tribute to, 25,2. Bushel:Three-eighths, 39, 53; 39,60; 39,89. Reso...