Feline scabies is a disease that is caused by Notoedres cati, a sarcoptic mite that injures the skin tissue. The present clinical case relates a notoedric scabies in a domestic cat, clinical observations, diagnostic test, and treatment. A 4-year-old male neutered domestic short haired cat was brought at a veterinary clinic. Alopecia, erythema, scales, crusts and hyperkeratosis were observed on the head, and pinnae and malodorous from lesions were observed in dermatological examination. Deep skin scrapings were collected. Microscopic examination revealed adult live mites presence. Based on the morphology, the mites isolated were identified as Notoedres cati. Ivermectin oral capsules (300µg/kg), repeat dose at 14 days. Bath with chlorhexidine and Benzoyl peroxide every 5 days for two months were applied. Moreover, multivitamin complexes were supplied daily, orally. An immunostimulant 1mL/10kg. IM, again applied two days. A clinical improvement in the cat was observed after administered this treatment. The present study reports notoedric mange in a domestic short haired cat in Colombia. The application of ivermectin with supportive therapy was useful in the treatment of notoedric scabies in this cat. The application of products other than ivermectin showed positive clinical observations in the recovery of this patient with feline scabies.