Chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw (COMJ) is one of the most intractable diseases among head and neck infections. Antimicrobial agents are routinely administered for COMJ without sufficient bacterial information, resulting in frequent treatment failures. To improve our knowledge of the bacterial aetiology of COMJ and to assist in the development of effective treatments, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the microbiome. Sixteen patients with four clinical types of COMJ (four with suppurative osteomyelitis, three with osteoradionecrosis of the jaw, four with primary chronic osteomyelitis, and five with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw) were enrolled in this study. Bone samples were subjected to bacterial community comparisons by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. As a result, we clarified that COMJ was caused by a far greater range of bacterial species (12 phyla and 163 genera) than previously reported. Moreover, the bacterial structures in COMJ changed dramatically with disease stage and the condition of the affected bone. Multiple correlation analyses revealed that sequestration and bone exposure could affect the community structure. On the basis of these factors, we reclassified COMJ into three clinical stages: I, inflamed or sclerotic bone without exposure; II, sequestrum without exposure; and III, exposed sequestrum. In stage II, the bacterial diversity was significantly lower, and the anaerobe genera Fusobacterium, Tannerella (formerly Bacteroides) and Porphyromonas were more abundant, than observed during other stages. Because these bacteria habitually reside in any clinical stage, they were considered to constitute the core microbiome of COMJ. Targeting these bacteria should lead to the development of effective preventive measures and cures.