ABSTRACIWater uptake of seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Limburg was monitored in a controlled atmosphere every day at solar noon for a period of 2 years. The imbibition rate, determined as the mean of five replicas, was related to the lunar cycle, maximal water uptake occurring between the new phases of the cycle. The monthly mean value of imbibition rate, calculated from the daily measurements, displayed a circannual rhythm reaching maximal values in August-September and minimal values in February-March. These monthly values were positively correlated with the mean of the maximal temperatures recorded daily outside.Since the (presumably) first mention of rhythmic phenomena in plants, made by Androsthenes, a soldier in the expedition army of Alexander the Great (5), this topic has been studied intensively as is obvious from the numerous review papers (e.g. 13, 27) and text books (11,21). Rhythms have been observed in many morphological, physiological, and biochemical parameters of plant development. They illustrate the wide range of possible wavelengths (ultradian, circadian, infradian, circalunar, and (30), and in the rate ofseed imbibition (26). In this last paper an effect ofthe moment of onset of imbibition on the rate of water uptake of bean seeds was demonstrated pointing to an ultradian rhythm with a period length of 6 h.We now report on the relation between the moment of imbibition onset and the rate of water uptake by the seeds on a longer time scale, searching for the occurrence of circalunar or circannual rhythms.MATERIALS AND METHODS Seeds. Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Limburg seeds were obtained at the 'Verenigde tuinbouwers' seed company in Roeselare, Belgium. A large stock was purchased and stored at 4°C in darkness. At regular intervals, part of the stock was transferred into an incubator at 25°C in darkness, so that seeds were kept in these conditions for at least 1 month prior to the experiments. The experiments were also carried out in an incubator at 25°C in the basement ofthe building. The temperature ofthe incubator was regularly controlled and never found to oscillate. The ambient temperature in the basement room was fairly constant throughout the year at about 20C. The utmost care was taken to perform identical manipulations every day for the measurements of water uptake.Imbibition. Seeds were imbibed in prewarmed distilled water of25°C. A fixed amount of 30 g (about 100 seeds) was submerged in 250 ml of water in a Petri dish with a diameter of 28 cm. Seeds were weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg with a Sartorius 1601 analytical balance before and after imbibition. Seeds were wetted before imbibition started. Before weighing, the seed coats were dried with laboratory paper towels.Experimental Arrangement. Water uptake was determined every day over a period of more than 2 years. Five replicas were carried out each time. Imbibition started 2 h before solar noon and ended 2 h after solar noon. Water uptake of the seeds was expressed as the percent (w/w) increase of weight compared to the initial...