Work intentions consist of mental representations of future behaviors based on one's assessment of his or her current work experience. This study aimed to translate, adapt, and gather initial evidence of internal structure validity and correlations with external variables of the short form of the Work Intention Inventory among Brazilian workers. The sample consisted of 422 male and female Brazilian workers (57.5% male), from 16 to 68 years of age (M = 31.1; SD = 11.3), who responded to the Work Intention Inventory, the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale, the Work Role Performance Scale, and the Turnover Intention Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the correlated five-factor adjusted model achieved the best-fit indices. Positive correlations were found concerning work intentions, citizenship behavior, and work role performance. Negative correlations were found regarding turnover intentions. The study concluded that the instrument has good psychometric characteristics. Its use is, therefore, recommended for future research and diagnosis of work intentions. Resumen Las intenciones de trabajo consisten en representaciones mentales de comportamientos futuros basadas en la evaluación de la experiencia actual sobre el propio trabajo. El objetivo del estudio es traducir, adaptar y reunir evidencias iniciales de validez de estructura interna y de relaciones con variables externas de la versión reducida del