Crha J., V. Hrabe,P. Koubek: Rumen Ciliate Fauna in the Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.J. Acta vet. Brno, 54, 1985: 141-147. Total numbers, generic distribution and percentage species distribution were determined for the ciliate protozoa in rumen fluid obtained frem the chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.J. Ten individuals shot in the Jeseniky Mountains in November and December were used in the study. A total of 792000 ± 115 03~ ciliates were found per 1,0 ml of rumen fluid. Thirteen ciliate species were identified as follows: Entodinium cervi, Ent. dubardi, Ent. exiguum, Ent. laeve, Ent. loboso-spinosum, Ent. nanellum, Ent. parvum, Ent. rupicaprae, Ent. simplex
, Diplodinium costa tum, Eremoplastron impalae, Eudiplodinium maggii and Epidinium ecaudatum.
Ciliata, Entodiniomorphida, rumen, wild ruminants.Rumen ciliates of chamois were first studied by Wertheim (1934) The aim of the present study was to compare the ciliate fauna of the rumen of alpine chamois with that of the individuals of the introduced chamois popUlation residing in the Jeseniky mountains.
Materials and MethodsCiliate fauna of the rumen of 10 chamois was examined. The animals were shot in the Jeseniky mountains in November and December 1982 (8 individuals -6 males, among them one kid and 2 females), and in the same months of 1983 (2 individuals -1 male and 1 female).After sampling, the rumen fluid was mixed with equal amount of 10 % formalin. Total numbers of ciliates and their generic distribution were determined in 1,0 ml rumen fluid using the Fuchs Rosenthal chamber. The individual ciliate species were determined both directly in a 5 % preservative formalin solution and after staining the nucleus (with acid carmine, Garazzi's glycerin hematoxylin, Heidenheim ferrous hematoxylin, methyl green)_ The skeletal plates were stained with chlorzincjodide and differentiated with concentrated sulphuric acid_ Specimens of the individual ciliate species were measured. Their identification was based on the descriptions of Dog i e I