It is well-known that decoherence is a crucial barrier in realizing various quantum information processing tasks; on the other hand, it plays a pivotal role in explaining how a quantum system's fragile state leads to the robust classical state. Zurek [Nat. Phys. 5, 181-188 (2009)] has developed the theory which successfully describes the emergence of classical objectivity of quantum system via decoherence, introduced by the environment. Here, we consider two systems for a model universe, in which the first system shows a random quantum state, and the other represents the environment. We take 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-and 6-qubit quantum circuits, where the system consists of one qubit and the rest qubits represent the environment qubits. We experimentally realize the Darwinism state constructed by this system's ensemble on two real devices, ibmq athens and ibmq 16 melbourne. We then use the results to investigate quantum-classical correlation and the mutual information present between the system and the environment.