The effects of lactogenic hormones on protein secretion by 255G4.2.3 cells, a rat mammary myoepithelial cell line immortalised with a temperature-sensitive T-antigen, were investigated. Insulin, prolactin, estradiol and progesterone had no effect but hydrocortisone induced the secretion of two proteins with molecular masses of 175 kDa (p175) and 146 kDa (p146), 10-30-fold and 5-fold respectively. The induction of p175 and p146 synthesis by hydrocortisone was greater at 39.5"C than at 33 "C reflecting the increased differentiation of 255G4.2.3 cells at the higher temperature. Rat mammary epithelial cells did not synthesise p175. After addition of hydrocortisone to 25.5-G4.2.3 cells, there was a lag phase of 10 h before the synthesis of p175 was induced. Half-maximal induction of p175 synthesis required a hydrocortisone concentration of 0.5 pM. p175 was identified as a,-macroglobulin by N-terminal amino-acid sequence determination and immunoprecipitation with a specific antibody. Hydrocortisone induced a 5-kb a,-macroglobulin-specific mRNA transcript in 255G4.2.3 cells. Myoepithelial cells are responsible for synthesising the basement membrane around the rapidly expanding mammary alveoli during pregnancy. Myoepithelial cells also secrete metalloproteinases which are probably involved in turnover of the basement membrane. We suggest that increased levels of hydrocortisone during pregnancy induce the synthesis of a,-macroglobulin, which is believed to be a potent inhibitor of metalloproteinases, by rat mammary myoepithelial cells to reduce proteolytic degradation of the basement membrane.The ducts of the mammary gland contain two cell types. The epithelial cells, which line the lumen, synthesise milk proteins under the influence of lactogenic hormones. In the main ducts, the epithelial cells are separated from the basement membrane by a continuous layer of myoepithelial cells [ 11. During pregnancy, myoepithelial cells acquire numerous myofilaments, and cell processes enlarge to form a basketlike structure around the expanded secretory alveoli [2]. The classical function of myoepithelial cells is to contract under the influence of oxytocin, expelling milk from the gland [3]. In the alveoli, most of the epithelial cells are also in contact with the basement membrane, an interaction which is required for the induction of milk protein synthesis [4] Mammary gland myoepithelial cell lines also synthesise greater amounts of basement membrane proteins than mammary epithelial cell lines [6, 71. During involution of the mammary gland, increased levels of proteinases result in the degradation of the basement membrane which probably contributes to the rapid destruction of the epithelial cells [8, 91. We have recently demonstrated that it is the myoepithelial cell that produces increased amounts of 72-kDa-gelatinase, MMP (matrix metal1oproteinase)-2, and stromelysin-1, MMP-3 [lo]. Myoepithelial cells also synthesis bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) which is a major mitogen for both mammary myoepithelial and epithelial cell ...