SMALL, E., and JOMPHE, M. 1989. A synopsis of the genus Medicago (Leguminosae). Can. J . Bot. 67: 3260-3294.The genus Medicago has recently undergone extensive taxonomic changes. At least two dozen species not previously accepted as belonging to it have been added. Moreover, the circumscription, infraspecific taxonomy, and nomenclature of many of the species placed in Medicago have been altered recently, and the circumscription and nomenclature of the sections of the genus have also changed. Adding to the need for a synopsis is the fact that many of the species are very difficult to identify. This conspectus presents a key to the 12 sections and eight subsections of the genus, a comprehensive illustrated key to the 83 species (and 18 infraspecific taxa) of Medicago, and brief notes on their geography, ecology, and possible confusion with similar species. SMALL, E., et JOMPHE, M. 1989. A synopsis of the genus Medicago (Leguminosae). Can. J . Bot. 67 : 3260-3294. Le genre Medicago a rtcemment subi d'importants changements taxinomiques. Au moins deux douzaines d'esptces non reconnues comme en faisant partie ont t t t ajouttes au genre. De plus, la circonscription, la taxinomie infrasptcifique et la nomenclature de plusieurs esptces plactes dans le genre Medicago ont Ct C modifites rtcemment, et la circonscription et la nomenclature des sections du genre ont aussi changt. Le besoin d'une synopsis est d'autant plus aigu que plusieurs esptces sont t r b difficiles i identifier. La prtsente synopsis fournit une clef des 12 sections et huit sous-sections du genre, une clef illustrte compltte des 83 esptces (et 18 taxons infrasptcifiques) du Medicago et de brtves notes sur leur gtographie, leur tcologie et la confusion possible avec des esptces semblables. [Traduit par la revue]The genus Medicago has received extensive systematic treatment in the last decade. This paper summarizes taxonomic changes and provides a comprehensive identification guide. The majority of these changes are based on the publications of E. Small, cited here. Herbarium loans (and the numbers of borrowed specimens), mostly of Medicago but also including allied genera, were provided by the following (standard herbarium abbreviations of Holmgren et al.